Pupula Duplex Discussion - Hoax Fake or Reality? - Let's discuss..

The only honest Pupula Duplex discussion on the internet. Pupula Duplex: Hoax or serious medical condition? Lately there have been rumors about a rare condition called "pupula duplex" . It describes a (probably) genetical defect, where one eye inhibits two irises instead of one. Pupula means Pupil and Duplex means double . In this case, would this eye work as intended? What is known about this myth? and are the Illuminati one part of the puzzle? What do we know about Pupula Duplex To keep it short: nothing. If you don't count the endless flow of photoshopped pictures. Besides of that there is a rumour of a chinese warrior who had supposedly pupula duplex , but in the legend, he could see without issues. Lets assume it's not a Hoax and the myth is true. Would it be possible to see with such a condition? Obviously without significant changes to the eye. Seeing with two pupils ? "The retina is adequately sized to take amount of light specified by...